Nueva Andalucia Golfers Association


Tournament 2009-03-21

The tournament format was MEDAL PLAY.

Player Score GP pts
1 Stefan Tjellander 69 9.00
(1) Helge Longva 69 9.00
3 Tony Dalli 71 5.50
(3) Jim Westwood 71 5.50
5 Lars Nyberg 73 3.50
6 Christer Nerman 74 0.60
(6) Helge Pihl 74 0.60
(6) Vigo Carlund 74 0.60
9 Jens Nielsen 75 0.00
(9) Hans Fagerlund 75 0.00
(9) Lars Grini 75 0.00
(9) Stefan Lindwall 76 0.00
(9) Ralph Hammar 76 0.00
(9) Ingemar Loftby 79 0.00
(9) Fabian Carlsson 81 0.00
(9) Lennart Hall 84 0.00
(9) Jim Broberg 84 0.00
(9) Daniel Sundén-Cullberg 87 0.00

( ) = Hilighting shared position.

An historic day for Naga, we played from the ladies tee! It wasn´t easy as you can see of the results, but great fun as you get to play different clubs than what you are used to. We played with reduced hcp, 70 % of our sloped hcp from club tee.
Best guest this week was Brian Mitchell with 72 net. The rake went to Daniel Sundén-Cullberg for the second week in a row but Daniel is excused because of his asthma. Get better Daniel!!!
In joint third place, Tony Dalli and Jim Westwood on 71 and we have joint winners as well, The two ladies in the center of the picture are Stefan Tjellander and Helge Longva who both had 69.
As I said before, we all enjoyed the day out there and we will have more of different formats in the future. Until next Saturday, take care everybody!

The Winner

Tjellander, Stefan
Stefan Tjellander

2009-03-21 Winner

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