Nueva Andalucia Golfers Association


Tournament 2010-12-04

The tournament format was STABLEFORD.

Player Score GP pts
1 Christer Sörensson 33 10.00
2 Stefan Tjellander 32 7.00
(2) Helge Longva 32 7.00
4 Stefan Lindwall 31 5.00
5 Ralph Hammar 30 1.66
(5) Vigo Carlund 30 1.66
(5) Jens Nielsen 30 1.66
(5) Gunnar Johansson 30 1.66
(5) Ingemar Loftby 30 1.66
(5) Lars Nyberg 30 1.66
11 Hans Fagerlund 28 0.00
(11) Morgan Persson 27 0.00
(11) Fabian Carlsson 27 0.00
(11) Daniel Sundén-Cullberg 24 0.00
(11) Nicke Pålsson 23 0.00
(11) Jim Broberg 23 0.00

( ) = Hilighting shared position.

A cold and windy day brought poor scores but as every first Saturday of the month we all had a partner. Christer Sörensson won the single competition with 33 points and that shows how hard it was. In the pair competition the podium looks as follows: joint third with 39, Christer and Vigo together with Ludde and Helge. In second Loftby with Stefan who managed 40 and the winners was Stefan Lindwall together with Gunnar Johansson who had 41 points, congratulations boys!

The Winner

Sörensson, Christer
Christer Sörensson

2010-12-04 Winner

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